Stephanie O'Brien
~ author, artist, webcomic creator, and video-maker whose brain never shuts up ~
Want a quicker read?
Check out my original short stories!
The Aristocrats and the Beasts
When a ship owned by the mysterious Alivani is shot down, Sabriyya rushes to find the injured crew members, and finds startling secrets about an alien society.
Upholding the Covenant
Ambassador Orennian visits the neighboring country of Selvenni to ask them to join his people's revolution against an oppressive empire. When he becomes close friends with one of the local children, the stakes in the war he's helping to start become painfully personal.
The Echoes In Our Heart
Danielle knows that exploring a burned-down house is dangerous. But the former owner's memories haunt her as if they were her own, and she has to see the truth for herself.
Living Through You
When a mysterious illness leaves Mohala unable to move, speak, or perceive the world around her, she's connected to her twin sister by a mechanical crown that lets her experience life vicariously through her sister's senses.
When a ship owned by the mysterious Alivani is shot down, Sabriyya rushes to find the injured crew members, and finds startling secrets about an alien society.
Upholding the Covenant
Ambassador Orennian visits the neighboring country of Selvenni to ask them to join his people's revolution against an oppressive empire. When he becomes close friends with one of the local children, the stakes in the war he's helping to start become painfully personal.
The Echoes In Our Heart
Danielle knows that exploring a burned-down house is dangerous. But the former owner's memories haunt her as if they were her own, and she has to see the truth for herself.
Living Through You
When a mysterious illness leaves Mohala unable to move, speak, or perceive the world around her, she's connected to her twin sister by a mechanical crown that lets her experience life vicariously through her sister's senses.
Want to read about characters you already know and love? Find your favorite fandom, and pick a fic.
Just Cause
A time-traveling human immortal is carving a swath of death through the Underground. Yet, despite their resolve to destroy everyone they can find, their stats are unnaturally low, and hesitation weighs on their every movement.
They aren't the only one whose emotions are torn. Even as he fights to stop them, Sans struggles against the doubts and half-vanished memories that whisper that this murderer used to be his friend.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Baby Pictures: How Avengers: Endgame Should Have Ended
A canon-compatible fix fic for Avengers: Endgame, in which a scientist saves some of his fallen friends the way he should have in the movie.
Means to an End
As he abandons his post to pursue John Crichton, Scorpius reflects on the mission he cannot neglect, and the destruction and creation it has wrought on his personal relationships.
Don't Starve
Four Times I Begged Them
A journey into the twisted mind, tragic backstory, and slow moral decay of Don't Starve's antagonist, Maxwell.
Your Truth Cannot Stand
Ondolemar had spent his whole life believing that hunting down heretics and enemies of the Thalmor was a service to the gods. He never imagined that one strange Khajiit could throw everything he thought he knew into question, and send him on a quest for truth that would end with him trapped in a torture chamber.
Subnautica: Below Zero
It Will Be Okay
It was just a matter of time before Robin Ayou's impermanent human body began to break down... but her closest friend isn't ready to say goodbye.
Regrets of Sellswords and Scientists
Marguerit Maida answers Al-An's distress call, and ends up with an alien stuck inside her head. Nobody is happy with this.
Naked Secrecy
A moment of interspecies awkwardness, Al-An accidentally walks in on Robin when she's naked. Her reaction bewilders the perpetually unclothed Architect, and sparks a conversation about how their different cultures shaped them.
I Wish You Were
Al-An has often wished Robin was an Architect, but they knew better than to say it. Despite their best efforts to hide this feeling, Robin finds out... on her dead sister's birthday.
Echoes of Bitter Comfort
For those doomed to be forgotten repeatedly for eternity, raising Yugo was a great comfort... and a source of pain.
My art
Comics and T-shirts and fan art, oh my!

My General Art Gallery
This is the art version of my "everything drawer." Concept art for my characters, past book covers for my novels, miscellaneous fan art, and random artistic whims all go here.

My art on physical objects
Here you can get my art on physical objects like masks, coffee mugs, T-shirts, blankets, and much more.
You can pick from a variety of art styles and subjects, including pride flag art, floral, abstract, and animals.

Snowflake art tutorial
Discover how to draw beautiful snowflakes in my step-by-step art tutorial on SkillShare.

My videos
All videos
Every video I make, including speedpaints, music videos, song extensions, original songs, and comic dubs.
Farscape videos
All my songs and music videos for Farscape.
Art videos
Art tutorials, and videos of me drawing mesmerizing symmetrical snowflake patterns.
Undertale videos
All my songs and comic dubs for Undertale.
Extended songs
Extensions of instrumental songs.
Want to chat with me?
There are lots of ways to get in touch!
Visit my contact page to see the links to my social media accounts, as well as a quick summary of what I share on each site, and a contact form you can use to send me an email.
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