“The planet is taken. Do not come home.”
Eight grim words that said so much. And, beyond that, nothing. No elaboration, no instructions, not even a set of star charts.
They must not have had time.
He was supposed to be firm and decisive, to make a plan and ensure that it was carried out. But the immensity of the disaster that had swallowed their lives was smothering his mind, reducing all thought of action to a vague and impossible dream.
Respectfully ignoring his shipmate’s distress, Zorei turned to the front of the ship, visibly calling on a store of resolve that Kadian couldn’t hope to equal. “Home,” he said, as firmly as he could, reaching for the controls. “We’re finding a new home.”
“We’re finding a new home.”
A ludicrous idea, too strange and impossible to be stated so simply. Somehow, in the vastness amidst alien stars, they were going to have to... “Just like that?”

If you want to see what happens to Zorei and Kadian, you can see a longer excerpt and grab your copy of Heroic Lies here.