Alexandra, the protagonist of my next novel, is an investigative journalist. She has long, wavy red hair, and unlike far too many women who put their images up for sale on Fotolia, she is neither in her underwear nor drowning in makeup. She’s not giving the camera a cheesy ‘come hither and validate my attempt at sexiness’ look, either.
I haven’t entirely decided on the pose, or which angle she’ll be seen from. If I do choose to have her face in the shot (as opposed to her standing or running with the ‘camera’ behind her), she would have strong, narrow features (think Jean Grey from the live-action X-men movies). I’m not sure what colour her eyes are yet, so who knows - if I like the model enough, I might choose based on her appearance.
So, in summary:
Long, loose red hair
Flattering but practical clothes
Doesn’t look like she’s posing for a camera (I’m looking for an action shot, or maybe a picture of her looking stunned and disturbed, like she’s looking at something awesome and terrible)
Strong, narrow features
Natural-looking makeup, or none at all
If you know of a person, or have seen a photo of one, who fits that description, please tell me so in the comments. I’d be happy to give credit to the model in the back pages of the book if she wants, and to buy the image if it’s for sale.