"Sometimes I fear that my womb is cursed."
"My love. Did your womb cause your former masters to betray you? Did it cause an ailing person to visit our city and bring sickness to our children? No. These tragedies are not your fault."
"You visit the ambassador a lot, my child."
"Yeah, 'cuz, he smells bad until he sees me, but then he smells better!"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean he smells sad, like me when my sister won't play with me. But then he sees me and smells happy!"
"Who kill your cat?" Kivara demanded, and Orennian smiled sadly at the child.
"Nobody. He died of old age. Time killed him."
Kivara snapped her jaws at the air, and he frowned. "What are you doing?"
"I'm biting time for killing your cat!"
“You are just too precious.”
“No I’m not! I’m strong and fierce and BIG! See? I come all the way up to your nose!”
“But if I put you on the floor-”
“NOOOOO! I have to stay up here so I’ll be BIG!”
There were days when the general didn’t know whether to pinch the bridge of his nose, rub his tightening forehead, or throw back his head and laugh.
The corpse in front of him deserved all three reactions.