In the meantime, if you're curious about the novel and you want to read an excerpt while you wait for it to come out, you can now download a free sample by clicking the button below:
I also plan to make character profiles for all three of my novels, complete with images and a chance for you to ask questions and get to know them better.
I'm excited about all the great stuff I'll be sharing with you. In fact, I'm ready to start sharing right now! You see, when I first sat down to write the first draft of Heroic Lies, I actually got stuck for a while because I had no idea what Zorei looked like. I knew all about his backstory and personality, but I wasn't sure how to describe his physical appearance.
So before I even started to write, I took some time to let my pencil and my imagination work their magic, and after some confusion and a few discarded drafts, Zorei was born. I haven't fully colored him in yet, but if you're as curious as I was to see what the antagonist of Heroic Lies looks like, here he is, in all his not-yet-colored-in glory: