He’s finally doing it.
The shock was the first thing to strike Alexandra’s senses.
Then there was the pain.
He’s finally decided to get me out of the way.
Her body was reeling across the room, her hands reflexively rising to defend her head from the shrapnel. Fear clawed for a hold in her mind, and was met with a wall of focused resolve.
I’m not dead yet. If I survive the landing and play possum, maybe I still have a-
The thought was cut off sharply by her impact with the tiles, but she managed to act on it for almost a full second.
Then the ground collapsed.
The side of their house caved in with thunderous violence, a wall of fire laced with shrapnel rushing toward her like a demon in physical form.
For an instant, she saw the culprit hovering in the sky, and she wondered if her child was anywhere near it.
She was trapped. Her head was aching, she was lying on her back, and she couldn’t get up.
A bit of air reached her lungs, and her chest began to spasm.
Calm yourself, calm down! Slow, deep breaths. Or shallow coughs. Whatever helps you get oxygen.
If you want to read more, you can read a longer excerpt, and get a copy of the book, here.