1. What is the working title of your next book?
Voice of a Silent Fugitive.
2. Where did the idea come from for the book?
I’d heard of other authors making a companion book for a pre-existing novel, written from the viewpoint of a character whose POV hadn’t been shown as much. Since the Fugitive in My Fugitive is mute, and the book was written entirely from the Beachwalker’s perspective, I realized I could show a completely new side to the story by revealing the world through his eyes.
3. What genre does your book fall under?
It’s kind of a hard one to pin down. I put My Fugitive under “wartime suspense”, but Voice of a Silent Fugitive doesn’t show the “war” side of it nearly as much. “Medical suspense”, maybe, since the protagonist spends most of the book as his companion’s patient. I’m not sure I want to put two books in the same series under different genres, though, so I'll probably go with "wartime suspense".
4. What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
As with the genre, that’s hard to say. I deliberately made the locations and ethnicities in this series as ambiguous as I could, as the books are very minimalistic and character-centric, so I didn’t want to get bogged down in culture and politics. I also wanted to leave the readers free to imagine it in whatever location they want, whether their own or one that they’re familiar with.
That being the case, it would have to be somebody racially ambiguous. Out of all the actors whose names and abilities I’m familiar with, I can’t clearly picture any of them playing the Beachwalker or the Fugitive.
5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Voice of a Silent Fugitive is a wartime suspense novel in which a young, injured prisoner of war escapes with the aid of a civilian girl, and they struggle to keep each other alive in a town occupied by his enemies.
6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I’ll be self-publishing through Amazon’s Kindle.
7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
That’s still a work in progress. It’s been a bit slow, since I have to be careful to make sure that the events line up with My Fugitive even though the POV is significantly different.
8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a book similar to this one, or to My Fugitive. Almost every book description I read in any genre I try to put them in seems to be centered on thwarting the antagonists, whereas these two books focus on the victims that said antagonists left in their wake.
9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I’m actually having a contest right now to see if anyone can guess how the premise of this series came to be. The rules of the contest and a couple of clues can be found in recent blog posts, so if you feel like winning two free copies of My Fugitive, go ahead and scroll down.
10. What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?
I think these books paint a more down-to-earth picture of war, in some ways, than a lot of the action fiction you see out there. It isn’t something thrilling or glorious; it’s a constant, looming threat that the civilians of this town have to live with every day, and when it rears its head, it’s ugly and grim and comes with dire consequences.
The two books together also create a two-pronged exploration of reversed gender roles.
The Beachwalker is a woman who has no time or ability to be protected, taken care of or pursued; she’s always had to be the strong one, and for someone else to rescue or watch out for her is the antithesis to everything she sees herself as.
The Fugitive, on the other hand, is a man who has been reduced to a nearly helpless state, accustomed to protecting others and yet suddenly unable to take care of himself or assist his companion in any but the smallest ways. It's been interesting to explore the effect that this situation has had on both the books' protagonists.
Authors I would recommend:
Kristina Schram at http://www.kristinaschram.com/
Marci Shimoff at http://marcishimoffblog.com/
James Twyman at http://www.jamestwyman.com/
John Sailors at http://www.amazon.com/John-Sailors/e/B007RP3TK4
Nicole Lesperance at http://easyrecipesfromscratch.com/category/blog/
Clint Evans at http://www.amazon.com/Clint-Evans/e/B00AQY39A8/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1