The song was beautiful and evocative, but it made very little sense. It was like a pretty tossed salad made of randomly tossed words.
The story was also beautiful, stirring and complex. But there were many incarnations of it, many of which had never come into being.
One day, a tragic incarnation of the story poked its head into the room of an artist and said, "I could be something real and wonderful, if you paired me with that song.
"I could make the tossed-salad lyrics make sense, and the song could give shape to the untold story that is me."
So I brought the song and the story together into the cathedral of Windows Movie Maker, and through repeated clicks of an editing mouse, they said their vows and were wed.
Then they joined in the holy union of the "save video" feature, and soon thereafter, a new music video was born into the world of the internet for you to enjoy.
So enjoy it.