And to think, there was a time when I believed that I wouldn't have the patience or the technical skills to make a music video! Hahaha.
The first is one of the stranger combinations of concept and music that I've come up with, and yet, it was one of the easiest to make. There was just the right ratio of vocals to instrumentals, so I seldom got caught having to find extra clips to deal with the gaps between verses, and despite the fact that I was casting a pair of men in the role of Alice in Wonderland, I always had clips that suited the words perfectly.
It's also one of those videos where the tone and feeling of the clips and the music just clicked, so I never felt like the visuals and audio were fighting over which mood to invoke. The result was a great blend of drama and creepiness, the first MV I've made that really captures the full scope and awesomeness of the Farscape series, and quite possibly the best music video I've created yet.
The next one was considerably more difficult to create than "Her Name is Alice", as there are larger gaps between some of the lyrics, so I often found myself searching for additional footage when the clips I'd chosen turned out not to be long enough. And it had an instrumental break. For me, those are always the hardest part of the video to create, as they don't come with an instruction manual in lyric form.
But while it isn't as seamless as the one just before it, I think it turned out pretty well. So enjoy the fruits of my very fun labour.
And the third is quite possibly the first music video ever to be set to Emilie Autumn's song "One Foot in Front of the Other". (If there is another one, it's not readily findable on Google.) I do love finding underused, unexpected or improbable songs and turning them into videos. :)
It just seemed so fitting for Scorpius; he goes through more crap than almost anyone else in the cast, but like the determinator he is, he just keeps putting one foot in front of the other foot, in front of the one foot, in front of the other foot.
Which one was your favourite video?
And do you have a song that you think would make a great Farscape music vid?
Tell me, and you might get to see your dream video actually show up on YouTube. ;)