I know, I know, everybody and their dog - in some cases, literally, their dog - has a website these days. But I've got to admit, taking that step scared the crap out of me at first, and led to an unreasonable amount of "maybe after I do X" procrastinating until I finally kicked myself in the butt and did it.
In the end, of course, very few things are ever as difficult as you think they will be. (It's the things that you think will be easy that end up kicking your butt.) Let's hear it for drag-and-drop web design.
And in order to celebrate Jesus' birthday, my new website, and all of you people out there who put off your shopping until the last minute, I want to offer you a copy of my ebook, My Fugitive, for 50% off for the rest of the Christmas season. If you have a tech-savvy friend or family member, someone who lives far enough away to make shipping a blow to your wallet, or, hey, if you just want to treat yourself to a few hours of entertainment and escape, now's your chance to do it for half of the usual price.