This comic started as a fanfiction, which is currently partly written and partly just notes on key scenes. I originally planned to finish the fanfic first, and then start the comic, but there are so many scenes I'm just dying to draw... scenes that won't happen for SO MANY CHAPTERS... GUAAAAH...
On the upside, the first page of the comic is complete, and you can see it below. :)
Creation notes:
I've switched from drawing the outlines first, to creating a color blob in the shape of whatever I'm drawing, then adding shading, THEN adding the outline, because I'm sick of seeing my nice, smooth outlines get turned jagged in the process of filling them in. -_-
As a result, instead of the drawing process going 'outline of the whole comic' -> 'outline and base color' -> 'shaded finished product', I'm completing the shaded version of each panel, then going on to the next panel.
Because of this, my future WIPs will generally be less sketches, and more segments of pages in progress. I think it's better this way; with this method, my Patrons get to see the panels in all their finished glory from the start, while still getting see them ASAP.
If you'd like to get exclusive advance access to works in progress and completed chapters, please consider supporting my Patreon. You can visit my page by clicking the button below.