As you no doubt noticed, I ended up ditching the "greyscale battle box" look; I tinkered with it a bit, and concluded that the comic looked way better in full color.
I think I'm also going to change the way I draw Frisk's hair. I've been gradually migrating from cel shading to soft shading with the rest of the comic, and I'm finding that it both looks better and is more fun to draw.
There's also the fact that cel shading requires cleaner lines, and thus more precision, and thus more time to draw. Yup. Soft shading is starting to look pretty good.
Also, a quick note for observant Undertale fans: yup, I'm aware that there's a save point in the Last Corridor. And there's a good, spoilery reason why Frisk isn't using it yet, much like there's a reason why they're using the dagger instead of the much more sensible frying pan, and why they found a dagger instead of the murder route's standard knife.
Welp, time to make the script for the next chapter, and hope it doesn't turn out quite as long as this one.
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